The remuneration collected from users (broadcasters, restaurants, music clubs, shops, etc. …) is paid to individual Performers on the basis of broadcasting lists received from contractors, on Declarations of Artistic Performances submitted by the performers themselves and any other avaiable information.
In the submitted Declarations of Artistic Performances, the Artists shall specify their share in a given performance of a musical work. In the absence of individual shares, we apply the rules of the Repartition Regulations adopted at the General Assembly (an excerpt from these rules can be found on the second page of each Declaration of Artistic Performance). It should be noted that only identified and submitted performances of works are subject to repartition. This is due to the need to identify countless performances of the same work.
In order to submit an artistic performance, it is sufficient to have one participant who certifies with his signature that the data submitted in the declaration are true. Submitting an artistic performance to the SAWP register in due time before the repartition guarantees its settlement.
In order to obtain payment of royalties, a tax document must be filled in and sent in the original to the SAWP office. Payments are made by bank transfer, each time after the distribution is made or after receiving the completed tax document with the specified bank account number.